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pganalyze vs. pgDash

Learn about pganalyze's Index Advisor, active session history, how it integrates with APM tools, and further reasons why pganalyze might be the best fit for you.

Compare pganalyze to pgDash

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pgDash vs. pganalyze


pganalyze vs. pgDash
Top-Level Query Metrics
For Top 100 Queries

For All Queries (Unlimited)
Drill Into Per-Query Metrics
Query text limited to 500 characters

Unlimited query text

auto_explain or log-based EXPLAIN
EXPLAIN Plans for extended query protocol
EXPLAIN Plans for long query texts
EXPLAIN Insights (“Why is this query slow?”)
Automatic EXPLAIN ANALYZE through auto_explain
Index Recommendations
With pganalyze Index Advisor
VACUUM Recommendations
With pganalyze VACUUM Advisor
Overall System Metrics
Integration with APM tools / Tracing
Through Query Tags
Integration with Third-Party Dashboards

Yes (through API)
Active Session History
Wait Event Monitoring
Schema Monitoring
VACUUM Monitoring
Basic table statistics only

In-depth monitoring
Replication Monitoring
Log Monitoring
Limited, only collects 3 event types

Supports all event types
Pre-Configured Log Filters
Limited Log Events Detected

100+ Log Events Detected Automatically
PII obfuscation
Yes (configurable)
Supported DatabasesPostgreSQLPostgreSQL
Deployment MethodCloud or On-Premise (behind firewall)Cloud or On-Premise (behind firewall)

Hundreds Of Companies Monitor Their Production PostgreSQL Databases With pganalyze
