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Uninstalling the pganalyze Collector

To uninstall pganalyze from your system, follow these two steps:

  1. Dropping the monitoring user and helper functions
  2. Uninstalling the collector

Dropping the monitoring user and helper functions

To uninstall the pganalyze collector, first you'll need to clean up a pganalyze monitoring user and helper functions that you created during the setup.

  • Run DROP SCHEMA pganalyze CASCADE in each database that you monitor to remove helper functions
  • Run DROP USER pganalyze in any database to remove the monitoring user

Uninstalling the collector

Since there are many different ways to run the collector, the uninstall process will depend on how you originally set up the collector:

RPM package deployment

On Amazon Linux 2, RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, and other systems using RPM packages, you can uninstall the collector through the standard uninstall mechanism.

First, remove the collector package from your system (this includes disabling and stopping the service):

sudo yum remove pganalyze-collector

Then, remove files used to track working collection state:

sudo rm -r /var/lib/pganalyze-collector

Finally, clean up the collector system user and group:

sudo userdel pganalyze # this will delete the group too

Debian and Ubuntu package deployment

On systems using Debian-based packages, you can uninstall the collector through the standard uninstall mechanism.

First, remove the collector package from your system (this includes disabling and stopping the service):

sudo apt remove pganalyze-collector

Then, remove files used to track working collection state:

sudo rm -r /var/lib/pganalyze-collector

Finally, clean up the collector system user and group:

sudo userdel pganalyze # this will delete the group too

Container deployment

On Amazon ECS, Google Cloud Run, or other Docker environments, you simply need to tear down the container. If you created any additional things for monitoring, such as an IAM policy and role for Amazon RDS and Aurora instances, delete them too.

Heroku deployment

To uninstall the pganalyze collector on Heroku, you simply need to delete the collector application.

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