Introducing Query Tuning Workbooks to safely tune Postgres queries on production with pganalyze!

Step 2: Enable auto_explain

In your Azure Portal, find your DB instance, and open the Server Parameters page. Filter parameters by shared_preload_libraries, and enable AUTO_EXPLAIN, making sure to save settings.

Server parameters: auto_explain

Saving will show the following prompt. You can choose to either restart now or restart later. Either way, you will need to restart before proceeding the next step.

Save server parameters

After the reboot completes, verify that shared_preload_libraries now includes auto_explain and that the setting change does not require a restart (pending_restart should be f):

SELECT setting, pending_restart FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'shared_preload_libraries';

If auto_explain is enabled and no longer requires a restart, you can proceed to review our recommended auto_explain configuration settings:

Proceed to Step 3: Review auto_explain settings

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