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Answers to frequently asked questions.

  • What dependencies does pganalyze have?

    pganalyze requires a PostgreSQL 10 or newer database with the pg_stat_statements extension installed.

  • What are the performance implications of pganalyze?

    The performance overhead of the pg_stat_statements extension is small - it requires a bit of additional shared memory and will consume about ~1% of CPU time.

  • What data gets sent to pganalyze?

    The collector agent posts the following information on each invocation:

    OS performance data

    • CPU
    • RAM
    • Disk

    The database schema

    • Table definition
    • Indexes
    • Sequences

    Information about the queries that have been run

    • Normalized query with all values replaced by placeholders
    • The plan of the query
    • An example query including values
    • Performance values for the query

    and more!

  • Do you offer local installations?

    Yes, we offer an option for local installation, please contact us for specific details.

  • Do you need admin/superuser access to my database?

    No - you can setup a restricted monitoring user that only gives the pganalyze collector access to the information needed.

  • Are versions older than PostgreSQL 10 supported?

    pganalyze works only with PostgreSQL 10 or newer.

    In addition, Postgres releases older than 12 are not supported anymore and we recommend you upgrade regardless of using pganalyze.

  • When am I going to get billed?

    Plans are billed on a monthly basis - annual payment is available upon request.