Introducing Query Tuning Workbooks to safely tune Postgres queries on production with pganalyze!

Step 3: Configure the Collector

Configuring the collector

The collector configuration file lives in /etc/pganalyze-collector.conf, and looks like this:

api_key = your_pga_organization_api_key

db_host =
db_name = your_database_name
db_username = your_monitoring_user
db_password = your_monitoring_user_password
gcp_project_id = your_gcp_project_id
gcp_cloudsql_instance_id = your_gcp_cloudsql_instance_id

Fill in the values step-by-step:

  1. The api_key can be found in the pganalyze Settings page for your organization, under the API keys tab
  2. The db_host is the IP address of your Google Cloud SQL / AlloyDB instance
  3. The db_name is the database on the Google Cloud SQL / AlloyDB instance you want to monitor
  4. The db_username and db_password should be the credentials of the monitoring user we created in Step 1
  5. The gcp_project_id should match the name of the GCP project that contains your Cloud SQL / AlloyDB instance
  6. The gcp_cloudsql_instance_id should match the name of the Cloud SQL instance - if using AlloyDB see below

Instructions for Google AlloyDB

If you are using Google AlloyDB, do not specify gcp_cloudsql_instance_id, but instead specify gcp_alloydb_cluster_id (set to the name of the cluster) and gcp_alloydb_instance_id (set to the instance name within the cluster).

Testing the new configuration

Run the following to make sure the configuration works:

sudo pganalyze-collector --test

Once you've confirmed the install is successful and you're receiving query data in pganalyze, we recommend setting up Log Insights as a follow-up step, to automatically track log events in your database.

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