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Enterprise Server: How to setup Google Auth Integration

  1. Create a new project in the Google Cloud Platform developer console
  2. Click "API & Services" and then "Enable APIs and Services"
  3. Enable "Contacts API" and "Google+ API"
  4. Click "Credentials" and then "Create Credentials" => "OAuth Client ID"
  5. Click "Configure consent screen" and fill in as follows:
Email address: [ Any address of your choice ]
Product name to be shown to users: pganalyze Enterprise
  1. Create Client ID for "Web Application", and fill out as follows:
Name: [ Leave default, not used for anything ]
Authorized JavaScript origins: http://pganalyze.myorganization.internal
Authorized redirect URIs: http://pganalyze.myorganization.internal/users/auth/google/callback
  1. Click "Create" and then copy out the Client ID and Client Secret

  2. Configure the corresponding environment variables GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET on the pganalyze container and restart it

  3. You should now see a "Sign In with Google" button on the login and signup screens

Note that new users need to use the "Sign Up with Google" tab on the signup page first, otherwise Login will error out.

By default all users are assigned as full members to the first organization in the system (by creation date).

If you want to specify a different organization set the DEFAULT_ORG_NAME env variable to the name of another organization.

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