Introducing Query Tuning Workbooks to safely tune Postgres queries on production with pganalyze!

Enterprise Server: Initial Setup (Kubernetes on Amazon EKS)

These are the installation instructions for pganalyze Enterprise Server, targeted for a Kubernetes cluster managed by Amazon EKS in your own AWS account.

Installation steps


  • Provision an Amazon EKS cluster in your AWS account
  • Install the AWS Load balancer controller on your EKS cluster
  • Provision a Postgres database (e.g. with Amazon RDS or Amazon Aurora) to store pganalyze statistics information
  • AWS CLI (aws) installed on your machine, and logged in with administrator permissions on your AWS account
  • Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) installed on your machine, and logged into the Kubernetes cluster with full permissions

Step 1: Re-publish the Docker image to your private container registry

Perform the next steps on a machine that has full internet connectivity, e.g your personal machine, or a VM, with no outbound access restrictions.

The goal of this first step is to publish the pganalyze software to your private AWS Container Registry, which can be accessed from your Amazon EKS cluster.

First, log in with your license information, shared with you by the pganalyze team:

docker login -e="." -u="pganalyze+enterprise_customer" -p="YOUR_PASSWORD"

Now pull the image, replacing VERSION with the latest pganalyze Enterprise version:

docker pull

Create a new container repository for pganalyze in the account-specific AWS container registry:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name pganalyze-enterprise

Log in to the AWS container registry, replacing ACCOUNTID with your AWS account ID, replacing REGION with your AWS region (e.g. "us-west-1"):

aws ecr get-login-password --region REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

Now tag the pganalyze image with the correct prefix for the AWS registry - make sure to replace the values (ACCOUNTID, REGION, VERSION) here:

docker tag

And now push the tag to the registry:

docker push

Step 2: Create an IAM policy that has sufficient access to the Amazon RDS APIs

Create the policy that permits access to Amazon RDS instances you want monitored. Save this to a file named pganalyze_rds_policy.json:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:RDSOSMetrics:log-stream:*"
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:rds:*:*:pg:*"
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:rds:*:*:db:*"
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:rds:*:*:cluster:*"

This policy allows accessing the metrics and log data for all RDS databases in your account (recommended for the initial setup). Now create the policy:

aws iam create-policy --policy-name pganalyze_rds_policy --policy-document file://pganalyze_rds_policy.json

Assign the policy to the Amazon EKS node IAM role (replace eksctl-CLUSTER-NodeInstanceRole with your EKS node instance role name):

aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNTID:policy/pganalyze_rds_policy --role-name eksctl-CLUSTER-NodeInstanceRole

Step 3: Set up a Kubernetes secret for configuration settings

You can manage Kubernetes secrets using kubectl

There are two sensitive settings, DATABASE_URL and LICENSE_KEY that we store using a Kubernetes secret.

The DATABASE_URL has the format postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOSTNAME:PORT/DATABASE and specifies the connection used for storing the pganalyze statistics data. We recommend using an administrative user on the statistics database for this connection.

The LICENSE_KEY has been provided to you by the pganalyze Team - replace KEYKEYKEY in the command with the actual key.

kubectl create secret generic pganalyze-secret --from-literal=DATABASE_URL=postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOSTNAME:PORT/DATABASE --from-literal=LICENSE_KEY=KEYKEYKEY --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Step 4: Create the pganalyze Enterprise deployment

Save the following text into a file pganalyze-enterprise.yml:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: pganalyze
  namespace: default
    app: pganalyze
      app: pganalyze
    type: Recreate
        app: pganalyze
        - name: main
          image: ''
              memory: "8Gi"
            - containerPort: 5000
          - secretRef:
              name: pganalyze-secret
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  namespace: default
  name: pganalyze
  annotations: alb internet-facing ip
    - http:
          - path: /*
              serviceName: pganalyze-service
              servicePort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: pganalyze-service
  namespace: default
    app: pganalyze
  type: NodePort
    app: pganalyze
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 5000

You will need to adjust the following settings:

  • image:
    This needs to match the Docker image tag we created earlier
    Adjust this to restrict the allowed source IPs that can access the load balancer
    Set this to either internet-facing to give the load balancer a public IP, or internal for internal access only

Now deploy the pganalyze Enterprise application:

kubectl apply -f pganalyze-enterprise.yml

We can confirm the deployment is completed by checking kubectl get deploy:

$ kubectl get deploy
pganalyze   1/1     1            1           1m

Step 5: Run the Enterprise self check to verify the configuration and license

Run the following command to perform the Enterprise self-check:

kubectl exec -i -t deploy/pganalyze -- / rake enterprise:self_check

This should return the following:

Testing database connection... Success!
Testing Redis connection... Success!
Skipping SMTP mailer check - configure MAILER_URL to enable mail sending
Verifying enterprise license... Success!

All tests completed successfully!

If you see an error, double check your configuration settings, and especially the database connections.

In case you get an error for the license verification, please reach out to the pganalyze team.

Step 6: Initialize the database

Run the following to initialize the pganalyze statistics database:

kubectl exec -i -t deploy/pganalyze -- / rake db:structure:load
Database 'postgres' already exists
(1 row)

Then run the following to create the initial admin user:

kubectl exec -i -t deploy/pganalyze -- / rake db:seed

And note down the credentials that are returned:

INFO -- : *****************************
INFO -- : *****************************
INFO -- : 
INFO -- : *****************************
INFO -- : Email:
INFO -- : *****************************
INFO -- : 
INFO -- : Use these credentials to login and then change email address and password.

Now we can connect to the pganalyze UI. Run the following to determine the hostname of the load balancer that was provisioned:

$ kubectl get ingress
NAME        CLASS    HOSTS   ADDRESS                                        PORTS   AGE
pganalyze   <none>   *              80      5m58s

When you go to the hostname in your browser you should see the login page. You can now use the initial admin details to log in:


Step 7: Log in to pganalyze

Please now log in to the pganalyze interface using the generated credentials you've seen earlier when setting up the database. If successful you should see this screen:

create organization

If authentication does not work, or you see an error message, please check the container's logs using kubectl logs deploy/pganalyze.

Choose an organization name of your choice (typically your company name).

Step 8: Preparing your PostgreSQL database for monitoring

Before you can add a database to the pganalyze installation, you'll need to enable the pg_stat_statements extension on it. This extension is already enabled on most Amazon RDS database servers by default. You can find details in the Amazon RDS instructions.

In addition you will need to either use the database superuser (usually "postgres") to give pganalyze access to your database, or create a special restricted monitoring user.

You don't need to run anything else on your database server - the pganalyze container will connect to your database at regular intervals to gather information from PostgreSQL's statistics tables.

Step 9: Add your first database server to pganalyze

For a monitoring an Amazon RDS instance, or an Amazon Aurora cluster, you can use the bundled container with the pganalyze Enterprise Server container image.

To do so, fill out the "Add Postgres Server" form. When monitoring Amazon Aurora you can use the cluster endpoint as the hostname.

add server

Once you click "Add Database" the collector running inside the container will update, and start collecting information within 10 minutes.

You can check whether any information has been received by clicking the "Server Settings" link in the left navigation, and scrolling down to the "Debug Info" section:

debug info no data

Once data is coming in successfully, the "Debug Info" looks like this:

debug info with data

Important: Be aware that some graphs need at least a few hours worth of data and might not work properly before.

Next steps

To learn more about adding additional team members, see Account Management.

We also recommend changing both the email and password of the admin user initially created (you can do so by clicking on "Admin" in the lower left of the screen).

Additionally, you can review all configuration settings for the Enterprise container.

Appendix: How to apply config changes

In case you want to make adjustments to the configuration, simply adjust the pganalyze-enterprise.yml file from earlier, and then apply with kubectl:

kubectl apply -f pganalyze-enterprise.yml

When changing the secrets information without changing the Kubernetes template, you can restart the deployment like this:

kubectl rollout restart deployment pganalyze

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