Introducing Query Tuning Workbooks to safely tune Postgres queries on production with pganalyze!

Enterprise Server: Container settings

The settings on this page can be passed in as environment variables into the pganalyze Enterprise Server container. Any change of these settings requires a container restart to read the new configuration.

Basic configuration

  • DATABASE_URL: PostgreSQL server used for storing statistics information (required)
  • LICENSE_KEY: License key provided to you by the pganalyze team (required)
  • DOMAIN_NAME: Domain name where you are hosting the pganalyze app (optional, but recommended, and required for SSO)
  • MAILER_URL: SMTP server used to send system emails, e.g. user invites (optional, recommended)
  • MAILER_FROM: "From" address used to send system emails (optional, recommended if setting MAILER_URL)
  • REDIS_URL: Redis server used for scale out architecture (optional, only needed when running Redis separately)

An example configuration looks like this:


Resource settings

  • SIDEKIQ_CONCURRENCY: Concurrency (number of threads) for background workers, defaults to 1. Set this to 0 to turn off the workers in the combined image (requires 2023.06.0 or newer).

Access control settings

  • DISABLE_DIRECT_SIGNUP: Whether direct signups to the pganalyze application are permitted (without requiring an invite or going through Single Sign-On)
  • DEFAULT_ORG_ROLE: How new users are added to the organization when they sign up (optional, default: none)
    • none - new users are not organization members and have to be invited by an existing user (recommended)
    • admin - assigns the role named "Admin (All Servers)"
    • modify_all - assigns the role named "View & Modify (All Servers)"
    • view_all - assigns the role named "View (All Servers)"
    • tune_queries_all - assigns the role named "View & Tune Queries (All Servers)"

Important: If you are hosting your pganalyze Enterprise Server installation on a publicly available interface (i.e. without explicit access control at the network level), we recommend setting DISABLE_DIRECT_SIGNUP to 1.

Note that DISABLE_DIRECT_SIGNUP is not compatible with the DEFAULT_ORG_ROLE setting: If DISABLE_DIRECT_SIGNUP is enabled, and DEFAULT_ORG_ROLE is not none, it will be the same as setting it to none, since direct registrations are not possible.

AWS-specific settings

When using the collector to monitor Amazon RDS or Aurora, the required IAM credentials can either be set using an IAM policy (recommended), or by explicitly setting these environment variables:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS Access Key ID (optional)
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: AWS Secret Access Key (optional)
  • AWS_REGION: Default AWS region (optional)

When using Amazon EKS with IAM roles associated to a service account, the following additional settings can be used:

  • AWS_ROLE_ARN: Role to assume for AWS API access (automatically set by EKS)
  • AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE: Location of Web Identity token file (automatically set by EKS)
  • AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME: Session name to use when assuming roles (optional, defaults to "pganalyze")

Google Auth integration

Configured using GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET. See separate instructions.

PagerDuty integration

Configured using PAGERDUTY_APP_ID. See separate instructions.

Slack integration

Configured using SLACK_CLIENT_ID and SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET. See separate instructions.

LDAP configuration

The collector can optionally support using an LDAP connection to verify user credentials, instead of using a username/password stored in the pganalyze database. When LDAP is enabled regular user authentication is turned off.

LDAP is commonly utilized when using Microsoft Active Directory on-premise. If possible we recommend using the SAML integration instead, including when using Azure Active Directory.

When using LDAP, it is recommended to also set DEFAULT_ORG_ROLE to a non-empty value (see above) to ensure that new LDAP users are added to the existing organization.

  • LDAP_HOST: Internal hostname or IP of your LDAP server
  • LDAP_PORT: Port of your LDAP server. Use port 636 for LDAPS
  • LDAP_BASE_DN: Base DN that all lookups should be done with. You can use this to restrict access to a subset of your LDAP accounts. Note that both the admin CN and regular users need to be members of this DN.
  • LDAP_LOOKUP_CN: Common Name of an account that will be used to run authentication lookups on your LDAP directory
  • LDAP_LOOKUP_PASSWORD: Password for the account that will be used to run authentication lookups
  • LDAP_FIELD_UID: UID field on your LDAP entries. This is usually sAMAccountName on Active Directory servers
  • LDAP_ENCRYPTION: Encryption mode to use for LDAP connections. Only add this when you want to use LDAPS (Port 636) or STARTTLS (Port 389) for a secure connection to your server. Specify ssl for LDAPS, and tls for STARTTLS (optional)

Example LDAP configuration, with the required DEFAULT_ORG_ROLE setting, but without other unrelated settings:

Note you can run an Enterprise self-check to verify the connection and lookup LDAP information, but some configuration errors are only visible once logging in.

Worker queue monitoring using Prometheus

The metrics HTTP endpoint /metrics is available for Prometheus scraping. Currently, it provides worker queue metrics using the sidekiq-prometheus-exporter gem.

The endpoint is protected with a bearer auth, the token is specified with the SIDEKIQ_PROMETHEUS_TOKEN environment variable. The endpoint is only available when the environment variable is set. If you have a Prometheus setup already, you can add the hostname and port of your web server as an additional target to the Prometheus config file to scrape.

Below is an example of a prometheus.yml file (with web server

  - job_name: "sidekiq-prometheus"
    scrape_interval: 60s
    scrape_timeout: 10s
      credentials: $SIDEKIQ_PROMETHEUS_TOKEN
      - targets: [ '' ]

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