Introducing Query Tuning Workbooks to safely tune Postgres queries on production with pganalyze!

Step 2: Set up Azure Event Hub

In order to retrieve logs from your database server continuously, the pganalyze collector utilizes an Azure Event Hub in your account.

To start, create a new Azure Event Hub namespace, using the Basic pricing tier.

Next, create an Event Hub inside the namespace, using the standard partition count (2):

Screenshot of Create Event Hub in Azure Portal

Within the Event Hub, grant the "Azure Event Hubs Data Receiver" permission for the Managed Identity (or Azure AD application) we created earlier:

Screenshot of adding Azure Event Hubs Data Receiver Permission to Managed Identity in Azure Portal

Now the pganalyze collector will be able to read log data that is sent into the Azure Event Hub.

Continue to Step 3: Stream Postgres logs into Azure Event Hub

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