Step 2: Verify Log Drain
First you can verify whether the log drain data is coming by looking at the router logs of the collector app:
heroku logs -d router -t -a [your-collector-app-name]
If this shows no output, wait a few minutes and try again; sometimes it can take a moment for data to start coming in.
You're looking for messages like the following:
2018-05-20T21:20:40.993026+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=POST path="/logs/TESTAPP_URL" request_id=564088b7-05a9-4def-8aa0-3861b25f9334 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=0ms status=200 bytes=135 protocol=https
Note the path
here: it should correspond to the log drain you've configured
in the previous step, e.g.:
Once you see router logs for this path, proceed to the next step:
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